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27 Jun 2013

Problem facing

Hallo guys, today i want to talk about facing problems and how we overcome it. Basically what do we do when we are facing a problem?
                                             First of all, getting tensed? or like analysing the problem? Most of us would prefer the first option. Why do we all get tensed instead of becoming calm and cool, and solve the problem? What do you consider most while solving a problem? Your faith, belief and positive attitude?
           What that had always helped me to solve my problems have been my belief in god. It had helped me a lot and the positive attitude had helped me to look at the problem with a positive outlook. I hope all of you are doing the same. If not start doing this. Give it a try.
          God is omnipotent, he can do wonders in just seconds and also have a very good positive attitude, like this problem is not going to put me down and i have got to study something or the other from this problem. This outlook will help us to solve and be calm to the maximum extent.

*This is just a thought that came into my mind. Stopping here.

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