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6 Nov 2012


Indian Institute of Forest Management was established in 1982 as an autonomous institution by the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India. The vision of IIFM is to be among the leading international institutions in the area of environment, forest and development management and be respected, both nationally and internationally, for its outstanding contributions in the fields of education, training, research, consultancy and thoughts' leadership. 

The Indian Institute of Forest Management is a sectoral management institute, which constantly endeavors to evolve knowledge useful for the managers in the area of Forest, Environment and Natural Resources Management and allied sectors. It disseminates such knowledge in ways that promote its application by individuals and organizations. IIFM has been established with the following objectives :
Provide training in management and related subjects for persons from the Indian Forest Service, Forest Departments, Forest Development Corporation and Forest related industries with a view to equip them to practice the art and profession of management of forestry development.
Inculcate an appreciation in those selected for training, that conservation is of overriding importance in the management of living natural resources and that the primary role of forests is the vital ecological and environmental purpose they serve.
Select and prepare outstanding and talented young persons for careers leading to management responsibility in forestry and the forest-related system.
Meet the need of Indian forestry and forest-related industry and commerce in respect of upto-date information on forestry management through research, consulting and publication.
Assist, institute and carry out research in matters concerning the use of management and allied techniques and methods conducive to the development of forestry in the country.
Institute awards, scholarships, fellowships, prizes and medals in accordance with the rules and bye-laws.
Create patronships, affiliations & other classes of professional or honorary membership or office, as the society may consider necessary.
The mandate of IIFM is appropriately reflected in its mission statement :
"To Provide Leadership in Professional Forestry Management Aimed at Environmental Conservation and Sustainable Development of Ecosystems"

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